Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tripping on the farm...well, not really...

The kids and I have been traveling now for over two weeks...and we are finally home!!!! Daddy had back surgery, so I went down to take care of him for a week to get him back on his feet. 
We were no more home from that trip than we were on the road again to S. Dakota with Matt to see his extended family.
WHEW!!! I don't know about you, but I am tired! And so glad to be home!  We had quite the adventure!!
Our time at the farm was relatively quiet.  The kids played outside and I took care of things inside.  Daddy was  a great patient!

Pappy did manage to drive the kids around on his golf cart!  Apparently they are necessary pieces of farm equipment. :)

Wow!  I tell you what...he is no longer a little boy anymore, is he???  How did that happen??? Hotrod is so handsome!

My proper little Princess...

Ok, maybe not. :)

The kids love Pappy's farm because they are free to run and play and stretch their legs.  Mommy loves it for the same reason!  It has always been a place of peace for my sister and I. 
In reality, it is the only place that is still around from our childhood.  It has changed...but the feelings are the same.

My monkey!

Every morning, Daddy would get up at 6am and sit in his chair while I went and ran.  Well, most mornings. This morning I took my camera and just enjoyed the sounds of the morning  as I walked.

Those would be soybeans. 

Amy and I both love the tractor tracks.  I don't know why, but we do.  It had been so dry when I first arrived.  These poor plants were trying so hard to grow!

Peace...quiet...praising my God...enjoying the beauty and quiet moment He put before me.

Daddy is doing well.

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