I have called my God, Father for many years. I have called on my Abba Father for just as many. I am referring to the different names of God and their meaning to you as life changes and moves. Your perspective of God changes as you get older, become a parent, and as you watch your children grow.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that your experience is any less than mine or that you can't experience the same things...just things strike you different from different perspectives.
I was listening to Moody bible radio this week instead of my normal talk radio, (I am having trouble with reception.) when I heard a teacher give a much needed in the moment picture of God.
I was raised Baptist...very Baptist...so I have a hard time raising my hands in church...in fact, I don't...someday I will feel free enough to do that. :) I do at home, in praise and prayer, but this was an emotionally exhausted, much needed, reminder of who my God is.
Our children come running to us with their arms stretched up when they need our unconditional love washed over them to heal booboos, fears, right wrongs, etc. They never expect to be turned down. They know if they reach up, momma or daddy will reach down and wrap them in love and comfort. So why not as a child of God, physically lift your hands and allow your Heavenly Daddy do the same?
Not as praise...but as a child wanting love and comfort washed over you.
It was just the reminder I needed...
so I lifted my hands to my heavenly Daddy and sobbed, and allowed Him to wash me with His love and comfort. I tell you what...He never disappoints!!!
I love you Abba!!!
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