Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Treats

Sometimes you just have to stop what you are doing and make some Christmas treats!!! My aunt made these cornflake Christmas wreaths all growing up. My sister and I looked forward to them every year! It dawned on me that I had never made them for the kids. 

After putting Little Man to bed, we got busy! Since my hands were obviously tied up, Hotrod took most of the pictures. I think he did a good job!

And there are my Mother's hands. The similarity in our hands always amazes me.

Hi Cutey!



Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to do a proper radio interview

If giving a radio interview, here are a few helpful hints to keep 
   in mind.
- Make sure to take your 1 yr old with you.
- Don't forget the paci.
- Make sure he has been up since 6am.
- Greet your gracious host with a big smile....keep the smile on
   your face, it will help later on when your little one is making all
   kinds of noise.
- Do your best to keep your head in the direction of the mike while
   hunting for the paci your little one just dropped.
- When your little one drops it on the floor the second time, just let
   him down to roam. The room is so small, what could he find?
- Remember, head towards the mike while watching your little one 
   roam and stick things in his mouth.
- Do your best to keep the smile on your face as your little one
   finds an old stand and rattles it continually during the interview.
   Make references to Santa and his reindeer.
- Talk a little louder than your 1 yr old.
- Laugh. Times like this make life funny!
- Try your best to remember everything you need to say while
   watching your little one try to climb on top of an old computer.
- Be eternally grateful when the interview is over!
- Do your best to let yourself out quietly without trying to knock 
   anything over. Remember, they are still on air!
- Take a big breath of air and laugh again when you are safely out
   of the room!

Whew!! Life with kids!!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Views from the rear view mirror

When in the car with children.....
- do not give youngest a wooden spoon to play with.
- helmets will be needed.
- happy meal buckets will be used instead.
- youngest will take great pleasure in hitting the buckets of older two and then grunting to receive more 
   French fries.
- older two will experiment to find out which dipping sauce youngest likes best.....
- never trust the older two with food for youngest.
- parents of these three might have found it all hysterical.
- couldn't see the road because of laughing too hard....

Made it home safe and sound, well, safe anyway. ;)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My future genius

Ok, as a former Bio teacher and a lover of all things science, when my seven yr old makes connections that some of my high schoolers couldn't heart races and my momma sense soars!

Hotrod, Princess and I are beginning our study of nutrition. As we were reviewing atoms and molecules, I was showing Hotrod how to write chemical formulas. In the picture, you can see where I wrote the formulas for water and hydrogen peroxide at the top of the board.

I got up to chase Little Man and when I got back Hotrod had written out the chemical equation for hydrogen peroxide.....I never taught him that. Never mentioned it. It just made logical sense in his!

It was a moment that gave me momma shivers!

You can see in the picture, at the bottom of the board, that he has drawn a pic of water on the left and a pic of hydrogen peroxide on the right. He then wrote out the equation. (Yes, that is a two on the far right, not a three.) 
Proud momma here!

Friday, September 20, 2013

I just Couldn't Help Myself

Ok. I have been told, by my closest friends, that you know that I am a type A within five minutes of meeting me. I am not quite sure what vibe I give off, but I know it is there. I don't know how to turn it off. 
Just recently, our lovely First Lady came to our Library for various reasons. My children had the privilege of spending some quality time with her. Together, they were trying to figure out a brand new, children's computer. They were having some trouble.

Watch my reaction.....

Calm, proud mom.....watching.....waiting....

.....oh dear....they can't figure it out....should I?....

I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to tell them how to do it. Yes, I was giving direction to our wonderful First Lady. 

I just couldn't help myself....:)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Little Man's First Birthday

So they are telling me that today is my birthday! They are all so excited!

Me? I not so sure....

Huh....this isn't bad....

Yea, me and my big brother...we're doing the jello thing

And my sister

Have you met my Pappy?

Oh man, this is good stuff!

Can you believe Mom is letting me do this?

Neither can I!

Let's do this again tomorrow!

It's good to be one!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Images from inside a trolley

On my last trip home, my sister, grandmother and I took all seven kids Downtown. It was a blast. We rode one trolley. Got stuck. Changed trolleys.  Got stuck. Crazy man got loud. Shared one water bottle between seven, hot kids. Finally got off. Had ice cream. Saw the ducks. Almost caused a security issue trying to squeeze six of the seven kids into an old phone booth. It was fun!!

Ok, so this one isn't in the trolley...oh well! :)

Hehe....this is how you make memories!!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Once we got home from St. Augustine, we were gone again in 8 days! This time? Omaha, Nebraska and South Dakota! We attended a family reunion in Omaha for one side of Matt's family and then visited the other side of Matt's family in South Dakota. Whew!!! Lots of driving! Lots of great visiting! Apparently , I was too busy visiting, swimming, eating, and keeping track of three kids that I took very few pictures. 

Hotrod, Princess and I slipped away for a couple of hours to go to the Duhram Museum. They had a TRex exhibit that, well, we could not miss! It really was fun!

Here is the link!

Run! Run for your lives!

TRex would have so done it like this!

That is a fierce looking TRex!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Little Hands

Hotrod came to me and asked if we could make a craft out of craft sticks and 
glue and put it on Pinterest. I secretly laughed and said, "sure! Go ahead!"
          Here is what came about......

Materials were gathered.

Little Man became excited! Sticks and such within reach??? Yes!!

We are original!


Big sister is not around.....

Wonder what glue would taste like?

Maybe I will try tape...

No, crayons!


What is that Hotrod? A dead alligator?

Look out Pinterest! Here we come! ;)