Last week we actually had a chance to take a family picnic to the park and play where else to be or anyone else to see... and all barns were put on hold. :) We spent most of our time running around the tennis courts playing with a football...I know that is the wrong gear! We had fun anyway!
Forgive our mugs, we tried for a decent pic!!
Tennis courts are just fun!
No one beats Matt...oh wait...Ben?
This is why playing with Dad is always fun. Momma can't do things like this!!
You think little sis has a chance???
All grandmothers need to turn their heads at this picture!! I know he is over concrete. I promise they are just fine!
Someone tell Matt that he forgot to wear his cool shoes. :)
Who says girls can't throw????
Isn't this what we all want?? Someone holding out their hands waiting excitedly to pick us up and love us??? Praise God for our Heavenly Father!!!
Finally! A decent shot of momma and daughter!